Before Bed2024 | Bound Cardstock | Copy Culture 

Before Bed is a remixed publication that reimagines stories from my dad’s life, using a 1948 edition of Collier's Magazine as the source. Vibrant illustrations from the original magazine are repurposed through Photoshop and collaged to create visual interpretations of these stories. The publication includes 13 stories arranged chronologically, beginning with a father-son narrative featuring my dad and his father, and concluding with a father-daughter story that includes me and my sister. The choice of Collier's was inspired by its publication year, which coincides with the year my dad was born—a key element shaping the theme of this détournement.

The central theme explores the ever-evolving relationship between father and daughter, particularly the nuanced dynamic between older fathers and their daughters’ desire to understand the parts of their father’s past they weren’t present for. The surrealist design of the spreads reflects my personal interpretation of these retold stories. To make the project more intimate, I incorporated real photos of my dad within the spreads, along with detached stitched childhood photos of myself. These elements add a deeply personal layer to the détournements, emphasizing the bond we share and the nostalgic lens through which these stories were shared during my childhood.

Delaney Lumpkin  | | LinkedIn